Trael is a Senior at Corvallis High School. She has been a member of the Club since 7th grade. Her older sister was the main reason for Trael to start coming to the Club. During middle school, Trael was able to participate in Club retail, and then later in high school was a Coffee Shop worker. Once Trael started into 10th grade, she began the Training Teens for Tomorrow program and has been a Junior Staff for the last two years. The best part of the job according to Trael is getting to know the kids and helping be a positive impact in their lives. Trael is planning to pursue carpentry after graduation with the goal of supporting building affordable housing in her hometown of Corvallis. She also has a life goal of designing and building her own house. Affordable housing is an important topic to Trael because she grew up in low-income housing and sees the importance of having a place to live. She wants to be able to stay and live in the community she grew up in and not need to worry about affording rent during a period of ever increasing housing and rent prices.
Daniela is a senior at Corvallis High School and has been a member with the Boys & Girls Club of Corvallis for three years. What brought her to the Club was her cousin, who was a staff member at the Garfield after-school program. She recommended participating in the Training Teens for Tomorrow program because Daniela was looking for job opportunities working with youth. Daniela has had a lifelong passion around working with youth and the T3 program was a perfect fit. Currently, Daniela is participating as a Junior Staff through the program and works at the main Clubhouse after school. Daniela speaks very highly of the staff at the Clubhouse and how they have really helped her develop as a staff person and are always willing to guide her and support her. After high school, Daniela plans to pursue a degree in business with the ultimate goal of opening a salon that offers everything from toes to hair along with offering chairs and space for other women who want to pursue careers in the industry.
Esmeralda Gonzalez is a senior at Corvallis High School and College Hill. She has been coming to the Club since middle school. Esmeralda is an avid athlete, playing soccer, wrestling, and track and field. Sports have always been a large part of her life and something she uses to maintain a healthy lifestyle and relieve stress. What brought Esmeralda through the doors of the Club was family. Her aunt was a staff member and encouraged her to come participate in the programs. It was also the space where she was able to reconnect with siblings. Fast forward to the last couple of years, Esmeralda uses the space to see her two sisters who also participate in Club programs, it’s a great space to connect and hangout. After high school, Esmeralda is excited to pursue a career that involves biology, possibly a doctor or even a science teacher, so long as she is able to maintain her passion in the subject.