Sideline cheer is designed to give athletes the experience of a quality cheer program that is geared toward supporting local teams. The seasons are broken up into Fall and Winter seasons and are exclusive of one another.
Athletic Fee ($145) + Uniform Fee ($100). Uniform fee includes customized shell, body liner, skort, bow, poms and practice shorts & shirt. Returning Cheerleaders will not have a uniform charge, unless extra pieces are needed.
2-3 commitments per week (Team practices twice a week and cheers at pre-selected flag football games in the fall and basketball games in the winter as well as events throughout the season).
Fall – Begins in September
Winter – Begins in January
2 practices/week (1.5 hours each).
Days & Times – TBD
We strive to lower the financial barriers around cheerleading. Please ask about financial assistance that is available! A limited amount of scholarships are available each season.
Fall Cheer registration opens in June. First practice is September 16th. Season ends November 13th.