Great futures start here.

At BGCC, we do not just accept difference; we value and support it to create a culture of dignity and respect for Club youth, staff, and board. We empower all youth, families and staff to reach their full collective potential. Our commitment to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion is evident in our vision and mission. It shapes everything we do: hiring staff, recruiting board members, forming partnerships, program and curriculum design, and creating opportunities for youth.

BGCC continually evolves to provide culturally relevant opportunities so that all youth are empowered and included, no matter what their circumstances. We are committed to speaking up and working to undo patterns of injustice in a deliberate and targeted manner.

The Club has persistently stood at the forefront of diversity, equity and inclusion for years. We are committed to using an equity lens in our work to continually transform our programs to serve priority youth and their families by incorporating youth and family voice in all our programs. We foster a relationship of inclusiveness, support and respect for the communities who are empowered by our services to work, go to school, break the cycle of intergenerational poverty, and overcome the opportunity gap for a healthier shared community.

© 2025 Boys and Girls Club of Corvallis